Proceso de atención de enfermería en paciente pediátrico afectado por crisis convulsivas
2018Registro en:
Ochoa Olaya, C.J. (2018) Proceso de atención de enfermería en paciente pediátrico afectado por crisis convulsivas (examen complexivo). UTMACH, Unidad Académica de Ciencias Químicas Y De La Salud, Machala, Ecuador. 29 p.
Ochoa Olaya, Cristhofer Joel
The convulsive crisis is an excitatory state that affects the functional and structural unit of the brain "neuron" due to electrical discharges, uniform of high intensity, etiologically varies according to the type of convulsive crisis that the person suffers, are expressed through subjective symptoms and objectives taking into account the phases that the person experiences so that a convulsive period develops. No exclusion criteria affect people without seeing their age, sex, color, race, socioeconomic status, etc .; the highest point in the statistics as a risk factor are the under-five children exposed to suffer this neuronal alteration. Existing different processes for the diagnosis of seizures, it is necessary to mention the review of the clinical history, physical examination and complementary tests as a basis in the identification of the cause that causes the malfunctioning of the brain neurons. The objective of the work is to design the process of nursing care in pediatric patients affected by seizures through the theoretical relationship of Virginia Henderson identifying the altered needs to improve their health condition. The method of study applied in the research is retrospective based on the review of scientific bibliographic sources. It is concluded that by assessing the fourteen basic needs of the human being, ten are those affected during a seizure, taking into account the three most relevant to develop care plans with nursing activities immersed in the recovery of the patient's health status.