Presupuesto y cronogramas utilizando cpm construcción camino vecinal, Bellamaria, Balsas, El Oro
Romero Añazco, Cristhian Gustavo
In this present work, we will focus on the planning and programming of the project Construction of a Neighborhood Road located between the road to the parish Bellamaria and the avenue to the canton Balsas province of El Oro, in which the CPM method will be used Critical Path Method, which represents the planning of a project in a network diagram, describing the sequence and interrelating all activities, starting with the budget, analyzing the cost of each item according to the unit to be evaluated known as Analysis of Unit prices APU. For this project there are 17 items, then the sequence table is made where the activities are visualized from which activity will be carried out first to fulfill the project in a logical way, once we have defined the table of sequences, the arrow diagram is carried out. Once the planning is completed, which includes: List of activities, Sequence Table and Arrow Diagram, the programming starts, with the valuation of times that are the durations of each activity, making the operations the duration in hours will be determined, which will be it will transform into days, in which the most probable time of each activity to be carried out will be determined. Having the critical route, the analysis can be carried out by plotting the bar chart IMP-TMP, the assessed work schedule, the Work progress physical schedule, equipment schedule, Workforce and materials.