Presupuesto y cronogramas aplicando pert, construcción de azud en rio Mollepongo, Pasaje, El Oro
Cun Peñarreta, Silvia Isabel
This document will analyze the PERT method Project evaluation and review techniques whose main quality is its degree of uncertainty, from a chronological-economic point of view of view by analyzing an Weir located in Ecuador, province of El Oro , Pasaje District, El Progreso parish, on the Mollepongo river, about 14 activities are calculated; In the first instance, the referential budget will be prepared by performance of returns taken from the APU'S of the activities scheduled to be carried out in this project, and from this the individual durations of the same will be calculated applying the method indicated previously, preparing a sequence diagram, a Path Critical taking into account the probabilistic times as a starting point and the analysis that involves each of them, consecutively the expected valued schedules of work, physical advancement, equipment, use of materials and workforce will be generated, at the end of a verification of the Total budget programmed with the referential budget.