Complicaciones vasculares periféricas en paciente con Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2
2019Registro en:
Castillo Ordinola, H.V., Zambrano Z.Villamar, V.R. (2019) Complicaciones vasculares periféricas en paciente con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (trabajo de titulación). UTMACH, Unidad Académica de Ciencias Químicas Y De La Salud, Machala, Ecuador. 60 p.
Castillo Ordinola Heidy Veronica, Heidy Veronica
Zambrano Villamar, Veronica Ramona
INTRODUCTION: Peripheral vascular complications (CVP) are the result of a slow progression of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), known as one of noncommunicable diseases which generates a high rate of morbidity and mortality, this disease is characterized by degenerating organs and tissues, producing disabilities and impair the quality of life of sufferers and even lead to death. Generates conditions in visual acuity, cerebral and coronary lesions, deterioration of the renal system and lack of blood supply of the lower extremities. Globally PVCs by DM2 is the leading cause of death by 65% , manifested by altering metabolic aspects and generate: hyperglycemia, vascular diseases, oxidative damage, osmotic change, inflammatory and autoimmune in 2010 they were affected 285 million people in the world and by 2030 these data will rise to 438 million cases of diabetes more peripheral vascular complications, especially affecting females and related factors are: inadequate lifestyles, genetic, toxic habits, lack of early detection and good clinical assessment. Literature data show that in Mexico vascular complications of DM2 it affected more than 6.4 million people in 2012 equivalent to 5.8% of the total population; and suffer from this disease for over 5 years in age from 49 to 59 years. In the study conducted in Ecuador in 2017 it reveals that DM2 and its complications are the leading cause of death, affecting 7.4% of the population amounts to 4,695 deaths in 2013. Basin is added in 14 cases of DM2 more CVP occurred, of which 8 are female and 6 male sex with an average age of 40 to 49 years. WHO through statistical tables REDACA in 2014 it indicates that in the Province of El Oro DM2 1,341 cases were diagnosed, and of these 867 cases were in women with an average age of 55-65 years old. Through this research is evidence that peripheral vascular complications of type 2 diabetes are among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide, and the factors that influence this disease remains booming are intrinsic and extrinsic, lack of adequate measures self-care, late detection of the disease and the deficiency of good clinical assessment; That is why care should improve clinical practice in health, nursing care and employ suitable for diabetic patient care theories. OBJECTIVE: Analyze a real case of vascular complications peripheries of type 2 diabetes mellitus in elderly patients, through documentary review of medical record and bibliographic source also develop a care plan appropriate nursing and the use of a theory nursing adjusted for this condition. METHODOLOGY:This research is qualitative, descriptive, on the documentary review drawn from the analysis unit of an elderly person with medical diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 more peripheral vascular complications, entered the surgery area Basic Santa Teresita Hospital of the Canton St. Rosa, El Oro province, during the period of June and July 2018. RESULTS: Symptoms of peripheral vascular complications of diabetes mellitus 2 in a patient 69 years of age are: changes in the values of blood pressure, muscle pain at distal extremities due to obstruction of the arteries, weakening pulse brachial, radial level, aorto-iliac sector and femoro-popliteal, sudden peeling skin , skin inflammation, paresthesia especially in the distal ends and the gradual loss of sensitivity of the lower extremities. Dorothea Orem's theory was used to supply the deficiency of self-care, plus specific nursing care as an essential tool was developed to meet the physiological needs of the patient. CONCLUSIONS: Peripheral vascular complications are developed by a state of chronic hyperglycemia for more than 5 years, added a diet saturated in fat, high in sugar and hypersodic, sedentary lifestyle, consumption of snuff and alcohol, and not being treated in time entail to the amputation of distal extremities.