Rol de enfermería en la atención primaria de salud como garantía al acceso de los sistemas de salud
2018Registro en:
Freire Calva, R.D.P. (2018) Rol de enfermería en la atención primaria de salud como garantía al acceso de los sistemas de salud (examen complexivo). UTMACH, Unidad Académica de Ciencias Químicas Y De La Salud, Machala, Ecuador. 22 p.
Freire Calva, Ruth Del Pilar
The role of Nursing in primary health care is defined as the care system in charge of providing health care services to individuals, families and communities through universal access to health systems, in order to solve medical problems satisfying the needs of the population through the strategies of health systems applied by nurses such as education, the promotion of healthy lifestyles; maternal and child care; vaccination and promotion in the prevention of diseases. The Role of Nurses based on the theory of Nola Pender is based specifically on modifying the behavior, attitude and motivation of human beings in the integral management of health and the use of the respective health services at the opportune time. In Latin America and in Ecuador, providing Primary Health Care is considered as a priority strategy, which encompasses Intersectorial, community and intercultural participation whose purpose allows reaching the most vulnerable sectors. The purpose of this research work was to recognize the role that the Nursing Professional should apply in primary care by reviewing high-impact scientific articles that provide a solution to the problem