Análisis geoestadístico de propiedades generales de un suelo cultivado con banano: muestreo raster a nivel de perfil del suelo
2019Registro en:
Niebla Torres, R. E. (2019) Análisis geoestadístico de propiedades generales de un suelo cultivado con banano: muestreo raster a nivel de perfil del suelo (trabajo de titulación). UTMACH, Unidad Académica de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Machala, Ecuador.
Niebla Torres, Rafael Enrique
The study was carried out in the Province of El Oro, located in the south of Ecuador, in the Machala Canton, site "la María", Finca "San José". The agronomic practices used since the 50s, in many cases have caused the degradation of soils, but this problem has not been studied in depth, most of the studies being carried out at the level of the surface layer or in the zone. radicular In this context, many scientists are analyzing the soil vertically and laterally using geostatistical techniques to understand the mobility of nutrients and changes in the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. The physical and quimas properties of the soil play a fundamental role in the development and yield of the crops. They allow to know better the agricultural activities like the tillage, the fertilization, availability of nutrients, the drainage, the irrigation, the conservation of grounds and water, as well as, the suitable handling of the residues of harvests. With the method of geostatistical analysis of soil properties, the aim is to visualize and graph the spatial distribution of the soil properties (texture, organic matter, electrical conductivity and pH) of a soil, improve the interpretation of the results of future experiments in the study area, facilitate the implementation of soil management practices according to the characteristics of the area, also allow to show in general terms the spatial dependence on the properties. Perform the characterization and comparison of several general properties of the soil in several profiles in the use of banana soil, using a Raster sampling. To this problem there is an alternative, the raster sampling that characterizes soil profiles in two dimensions and can be used to quantify lateral variation and improve the delineation of the soil horizon when verifying or revising the field delimitation of soil horizons . In this context, soils cultivated with bananas have a high degree of anthropic intervention, due to the excessive use of synthetic fertilizers and chemical pesticides, which contribute to the degradation of the soil. Although organic amendments and friendly practices help reduce the effects of soil compaction, salinization or acidification of the soil, these changes are analyzed at a non-representative depth (<30 cm). In general, and due to the cost of the analyzes In the laboratory, the number of observations that can be made in the sampling area is limited, so it is often necessary to extrapolate the properties of points in which they are known to others in which they are unknown. Regarding the technique of geo-statistical analysis of a soil with the use of the raster method is a tool that can perform analysis of the variability that provides results that depend on the frequency and intensity of the observations or can be used to help design a network sampling, but the data it provides do not necessarily contribute to explaining the action of the training factors.