Manejo de pacientes con mastectomía radical y aplicación del proceso de atención de enfermería
2018Registro en:
Hernandez Guaman, R.L. (2018) Manejo de pacientes con mastectomía radical y aplicación del proceso de atención de enfermería (examen complexivo). UTMACH, Unidad Académica de Ciencias Químicas Y De La Salud, Machala, Ecuador. 35 p.
Hernandez Guaman, Rosa Lilibeth
Breast cancer is one of the most frequent neoplasms worldwide that women suffer and cause more deaths every year. This pathology is the abnormal growth, disproportionate of the malignant cells, the clinical manifestations can be different in each person, the main risk factors that influence is the age of the patient being vital the diagnosis and timely treatment, having greater success when it is detected time, and to establish primary prevention strategies by educating the female population about risk factors and promoting favorable health behaviors. There are many treatments that depend on the type of stage the tumor is in, such as surgery (radical-partial mastectomy), radiotherapy and systemic therapy (chemotherapy - anti-hormonal therapy), lymphedema, pain, malnutrition, cardiac toxicity, Cognitive impairment, depression, sexual decline are those side effects that occur in the patient after receiving some type of antineoplastic procedure. The present investigative case had as a methodology the retrospective search of bibliographic information through scientific journals, the objective was to apply the process of nursing care in patients with radical mastectomy related to Marjory Gordon's theory. It is concluded that the nursing care process through the nanda noc, nic taxonomy, is able to identify the altered functional patterns and give an answer to the problems; Nursing plays a very important role providing direct care, satisfying the patient's need and restoring health.