Desarrollo de un análisis FODA y diagrama de pareto en la camaronera Oceanproduct CIA. LTDA. para mejorar su posicionamiento estratégico.
2018Registro en:
Chavez Vega, M.E. (2018) Desarrollo de un análisis FODA y diagrama de pareto en la camaronera Oceanproduct CIA. LTDA. para mejorar su posicionamiento estratégico. (Examen Complexivo). Universidad Técnica de Machala, Machala, Ecuador.
Chavez Vega, Mayra Elizabeth
In the present research work has as objective a diagnosis of the company shrimp OceanProduct Cia. Ltda , located in the Province of Gold, through a SWOT analysis and the application of Pareto to improve its positioning, the applied methodology is of a descriptive type, in which the inductive and deductive method is used, which allows to execute a logical reasoning of our case study, the modality established in the field where information is collected from the historical data of the processes of the organization, in which research instruments are required as direct observation, also based on bibliographic references of scientific journals emphasizing our object of study. The situational diagnosis of the company of the shrimp sector was made, in which the SWOT matrix was initially considered, applied in the external and internal analysis, obtaining all the corresponding information, where all the corresponding factors are analyzed; Strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, threats within the company OceanProduct. Cia. Ltda. EFI, EFE, taking into account the internal study of the EFI matrix, taking into account the deficiencies, the difficulties that the company presents, the problems with the greatest impact, it was achieved through the Pareto diagram, getting to know the real situation of the shrimp farm, the difficulties in the areas of production and the human talent were applied strategies of solution for its strategic improvement.