Análisis de las causas y efectos de los infraseguros y sobreseguros, demostración práctica en una póliza de seguros.
2018Registro en:
Ruales Carpio, J.J. (2018) Análisis de las causas y efectos de los infraseguros y sobreseguros, demostración práctica en una póliza de seguros. (Examen Complexivo). Universidad Técnica de Machala, Machala, Ecuador.
Ruales Carpio, Juan Javier
The insurance companies are entities that manage the risk in the future, providing support requiring persons or businesses to ensure the development of its activities over time. Because of the importance of this issue was conducted this research entitled: Analysis of the causes and effects of the underinsurance and over-insurance, practical demonstration in an insurance policy. The objective of the study is aimed at analysing the causes and effects of the underinsurance and over-insurance, through practical demonstration in an insurance policy, for a proper assurance of property. The underinsurance is the scenario where the value of the property that it has insured through a policy, presents a rating lower than that actually has. On the other hand, a situation of over-insurance occurs when the value of the secured asset turns out to be greater than the amount by which it should be secured thereto. To carry out investigative work was used a methodology of bibliographic mode - documentary, since the information gathered comes from the consultation and analysis of scientific articles. The research results allowed to know the importance of a correct determination of capital or sum assured to avoid falling into situations of underinsurance and over-insurance that are harmful to the insured.