Aplicación del método Pert en la fabricación de zapatillas en la empresa artesanal creaciones Leo.
2019Registro en:
Yunga Solano, M.S. (2019) Aplicación del método Pert en la fabricación de zapatillas en la empresa artesanal creaciones Leo. (Examen Complexivo). Universidad Técnica de Machala, Machala, Ecuador.
Yunga Solano, Monica Silvana
One of the most used methods in the programming of projects over time has been PERT that has served as a tool for monitoring and control of compliance with the tasks that make up a project. The objective of the present investigation was to apply the PERT method in the manufacture of slippers by determining the activities and their estimated duration for the efficient use of resources. In the table of activities the uncertainty in the duration and the succession and dependence of the same was considered, the graphification of the network helped to determine the critical route that fell in the ADFGHI activities, the calculation of variance and the distribution table Normally they served as tools to obtain the necessary information and finally to determine the time of culmination of the project in the company under study, resulting in a period of 323.33 minutes, which according to the critical path represents a 50% confidence level. some units of time with what was obtained an increase in the degree of certainty of fulfillment of delivery, which is evidenced graphically in this document.