Diagrama de causa y efecto: aplicación a la empresa Aguas Machala Ep.
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Garcia Mendoza, J.N. (2019) Diagrama de causa y efecto: aplicación a la empresa Aguas Machala Ep. (Examen Complexivo). Universidad Técnica de Machala, Machala, Ecuador.
Garcia Mendoza, Julissa Noelia
Quality management is a fundamental requirement in terms of administrative management, which is why companies have always looked for different means and tools that allow them to adapt to markets not only with quality products and services, but also through processes that ensure that quality. Short, medium and long term. Seeing this need Prof. Kaoru Ishikawa develops in 1943 the Diagram of Cause - Effect, which aims to analyze the causes of the problems that arise in companies and the factors that generate it. Aguas Machala EP, is an institution whose main function is the distribution of drinking water for the entire city of Machala, it is proposed to make an Ishikawa diagram to this institution in order to determine what are the causal factors for the bad operation of the institution. The methodology applied is investigative and exploratory, since several cases were analyzed in which the Diagram was used as a means of obtaining information for subsequent decision making. Companies such as IBM, world leader in technological terms, Davivienda, a leading Colombian banking company and Rosso Pastas & Vinos, a very successful restaurant in the city of Machala, are examples of companies that are looking for continuous improvement with quality processes, they use this tool to determine the main causes for the shortcomings in the different processes or services that these companies provide.