Intervención cognitiva conductual y dialéctica conductual en la conducta suicida
2019Registro en:
Duval Cabrera, Maria Teresa
In terms of mental health, crises don’t necessarily refer to traumatizing situations or events, but to the reaction of the individual. A person may feel deeply affected while another little or nothing has adverse effects, which is why it is thought appropriate to recognize the factor that triggered the crisis causing vulnerability that exceeds the current resources of the individual and the previous coping strategies. When it’s not possible to assimilate, adapt, start new forms of coping and control of emotions, it could have a greater deterioration and the development of destructive behaviors, including suicidal behavior. Suicidal behavior is one of the main causes of injuries and deaths around the world, is a complex and multifactorial phenomenon, is formed by suicidal ideas, self-harm, suicidal crisis, suicide attempt and suicide; however the early detection of risk factors involved will allow us to address this problem under a meticulous process. It is known that it can be originate in response to a daily life crisis and to psychopathological crises, determining the therapeutic approach. Evidence-based interventions include procedures designed to directly attack suicidal risk. Interventions that have demonstrated greater efficacy according to several systematic reviews have been all those of cognitive behavioral tendency, including dialectical behavioral therapy, problem solving and mindfulness, because they have helped significantly to the reduction of thoughts, hopelessness and suicidal behavior in addition the gains made have often been maintained over time.