La hipoglicemia neonatal, complicaciones neurológicas en el recién nacido
2019Registro en:
Romero Manzanares, M.D.R. (2019) La hipoglicemia neonatal, complicaciones neurológicas en el recién nacido (examen complexivo). UTMACH, Unidad Académica de Ciencias Químicas Y De La Salud, Machala, Ecuador. 35 p.
Romero Manzanares, Marisela Del Rosario
Hypoglycemia occurs repeatedly in the newborn, the knowledge collected in this document, allow to determine and characterize the disease, its appearance is the effect of the disorder between the elevation of glucose and use by different organs and systems. Timely detection, diagnosis and treatment are challenging, because repeated episodes of hypoglycemia can cause brain damage. In these cases, taking into account the conditions that favor the presence of hypoglycemia can make the difference between producing neurological damage or not. The objective that led me to specify this study, part in determining what the neurological complications in the newborn with hypoglycemia are Methodology: The research is of a bibliographic type, electronic search of indexed journals was consulted, such as Cochrane Library, PubMed, Clinical Medicine Insights: Pediatrics, Scielo Magazine, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health MDPI, Anales de Pediatric, limits were applied to exclude unpublished articles in the last 5 years. Additional studies were sought in the current Postgraduate Thesis, Clinical Guidelines. Conclusions: Being the hypoglycemia in the newborn a pathology of considerable incidence, it is important to recognize the parameters of the same one to initiate an opportune treatment and to prevent the neurological deterioration.