Desarrollo web mediante la metodología híbrida snail y programación estadística para la toma de decisiones por prueba de hipótesis
2019Registro en:
Ontaneda Leon, A.F. (2019) Desarrollo web mediante la metodología híbrida snail y programación estadística para la toma de decisiones por prueba de hipótesis (trabajo de titulación). UTMACH, Unidad Académica de Ingeniería Civil, Machala, Ecuador. 82 p.
Ontaneda León, Andrés Fernando
During statistical learning, various topics related to the analysis and interpretation of data are included for which formulas, definitions, procedures, guides and tools for the resolution of associated problems are involved. The Hypothesis Test is one of the issues involved in this field of study, where the process that leads to the acceptance or rejection of a statistical hypothesis is carried out according to the case being investigated; which begins with the collection of the data to find the critical value determined and integrate the level of significance that is the probability of rejecting the hypothesis; these values are determined in distributions to indicate graphical representations that define if at the conclusion of the process the hypothesis is true or not according to the problem, in order to make a decision supported statistically. The following work aims to develop a web application using the hybrid methodology SNAIL (Native Software of Logical Iterative Architecture) and statistical programming for making decisions for the Hypothesis Test, which aims to help the student in the learning of the activity to the subject of the field of study of statistics. Among the processes to automate is the Hypothesis Test that allows obtaining results efficiently and effectively from the initial data of insertion, either for one or two samples, comparing means or proportions. The programming language Python and its variant Django are used as framework for the development of the web application, as well as JavaScript, CSS and HTML for the structuring of the visual interface of the project, under the Hibrida SNAIL methodology for the life cycle of This software, which is a reference of other methodologies in a dynamic way in the establishment of activities to achieve an optimal development in accordance with the standards or established norms. For the process of technology selection in the life cycle of the project, the characteristics and achievements of the tools oriented to educational software are analyzed, which is oriented to the usability of allowing the learning and the use of the software in an agile way by the user, giving high importance to the design of the interfaces and mode of operation of the established modules. Through the methodology of web software development activities are carried out within the best practices that are oriented to enhance the work and implementation in the development of a web application, considering essential simplicity, the communication process and the planning of this project. The software product is oriented as a learning tool that both the teacher and the student can use in the resolution of problems associated with the subject of study, to be fostered within the classrooms in the imparting of knowledge that will expand the vision of the student and the perspectives of the usefulness and calculation of the Hypothesis Test, constituting in this way as a didactic support to the student community and future engineering professionals whose historical learning results suggest a faster assimilation before results that are can appreciate visually.