Importancia de la ecosonografía obstétrica como método screening de alteraciones cromosómicas en la gestación para prevenir la morbimortalidad fetal
2019Registro en:
Saltos Mendieta, J.J. (2019) Importancia de la ecosonografía obstétrica como método screening de alteraciones cromosómicas en la gestación para prevenir la morbimortalidad fetal (examen complexivo). UTMACH, Unidad Académica de Ciencias Químicas Y De La Salud, Machala, Ecuador. 32 p.
Saltos Mendieta, Jeyfer Jazmany
Introduction: Obstetric ultrasound is the most innocuous diagnostic method performed in the first trimester of pregnancy to perform prenatal control, evaluate the fetal anatomy and detect genetic pathologies or fetal viability. Chromosomopathies are pathologies that affect chromosomes, both in their number and in their structure; attacking the DNA of its nucleus, which results in congenital anomalies. Objective; General: Determine the importance of obstetric ecosonography during pregnancy, how to screen chromosomal pathologies, by reviewing scientific literature, to provide early detection of fetal genetic alterations. Specific: Establish the echographic signs presented by chromosomopathies during pregnancy. Determine the chromosomal pathologies that can be identified through the use of ultrasound in pregnancy. Methodology: An exhaustive review of scientific information was carried out in electronic search engines such as: Scielo, PUBMED, DIALNET, and, MEDLINE; through papers that contribute to the subject of study and that have been published in a period of 5 years, from January 2014 to January 2019. 26 papers were selected that meet the proposed theme. Conclusion: The use of obstetric ecosonography as a screening method for chromosomal alterations during pregnancy is of vital importance when detecting a chromosomopathy, and the doctor and the pregnant woman can choose protection measures and decisions according to the pathology.