Valoración de los tipos de apego en niños y niñas de 4 años de edad
Ledesma Tenesaca, Andrea Maritza
Saavedra Coello, Alicia Tatiana
According to the authors mentioned in this research, Attachment is described as an affective link developed during the first years of life of a child with his/her mother or a figure of permanent care, who is in charge of satisfying the needs and demands of the child, such as food, protection, care, and affection, which are important for the development of the child´s personality in his/her adulthood. In this way, the child´s mother or substitute becomes an Attachment Figure. To understand the affective relationship between mother and child, a typology used to describe a range of conducts was established. Such related conducts were classified under a specific kind of Attachment. Thanks to this classification, it was possible to carry out this research, considering the type of Attachment of children at the preschool center “Mis Pequeños Angelitos” in the city of Cuenca, considering their family relationships as well as their environment and applying different techniques for achieving our objective.