Percepción de las prácticas de crianza en adolescentes de bachillerato de una institución educativa de Cuenca
Guanuche Caiminagua, Gabriel Vinicio
Parenting practices should be understood as intentional actions in a socialization process that seek to establish appropriate behaviors and to regulate the behavior of children. The objective of this work is to describe the perception of parenting practices in high school adolescents from an educational institution in Cuenca. The research corresponds to a quantitative, non-experimental and descriptive approach. We worked with an intentional sample consisting of 50 students, using a simple random non-probabilistic sampling; that come from the Octavio Cordero Palacios Educational Unit. The Perception Scale of Parenting Practices for Adolescents (Casais, Flores and Dominguez, 2017) was used, which evaluates the frequency of different behaviors that fathers and mothers carry out daily to educate their children. The results report that for adolescents the control dimension predominates both in parental and maternal parenting practices, followed by the dimension of affectivity and support. It is concluded that in Cuenca households with nuclear families there is a rule management and constant supervision to maintain discipline within the home, which is complemented by displays of affection, communication and accompaniment in the daily activities of the children.