Evaluación de ovocitos recuperados por Ovum Pick Up (OPU) en tiempos diferentes, luego de la estimulación ovárica con FSH-LH (Pluset®) en vaquillas criollas
Samaniego Campoverde, Jorge Xavier
The present investigation was carried out in the experimental farm Irquis of the University of Cuenca. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the quality and quantity of oocytes recovered at two different times of OPU (40h and 48h) on the quality and quantity of COC’s recovered by Ovum pick up (OPU), after an ovarian stimulation protocol based FSH-LH (Pluset®) in heifers of Creole genotype. Twenty two OPU sessions were divided into four treatments. We analyzed 330 data in total and 15 variables, a general lineal model was used for the analysis of the data through the SAS version 9,3 and MEANS procedure in the determination of descriptive statistics of the variables. In addition, the Tukey-Kramer test was used for the comparison between the least squares media. The treatments OPU 40h and OPU 48h allowed to obtain twice as many COC’s (8,2 and 9,8 respectively), compared to those who did not receive ovarian stimulation (40h control and 48h control), presenting statistical difference (P<0,05). Three times more COC’s of quality A were obtained in the OPU 48 treatment and 100% of these structures reacted positively to the bright blue test of cresyl (BCB+), that is to say they finished their growth and they were ready to initiate the process of maturation in vitro. It is concluded that the OPU 48h treatment allows to obtain higher quality and quantity of COC’s recovered and suitable for the PIV process.