Prevalencia de asimetrías mandibulares en pacientes que acudieron al Centro Radiológico de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Cuenca.
García Moscoso, Esteban Xavier
Lasso Cabrera, Diego Andrés
Background: Have not been found other studies that demonstrate the prevalence of mandibular asymmetry in the city of Cuenca-Ecuador. All people present a certain degree of asymmetry, but when it is in a marked form, it can be corrected with orthodontic treatment or in other occasions accompanied by orthognathic surgery (1).
Objective: Determine the prevalence of mandibular asymmetries in cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) of patients who attended in the radiological center of the Odontology school of Cuenca city, Azuay, Ecuador from August 2015 to November 2018.
Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study that included a universe of two hundred and sixty (260) cone beam computed tomographies, it obtained from the archives of the Odontology school of the city of Cuenca, Azuay, Ecuador. The mandibular asymmetry was determinate with the Habets method, which applied 3 formulas to stablish the index of condyle mandibular ramus asymmetry and total mandibular asymmetry. Index results above 3% indicate asymmetry.
Results: In total mandibular asymmetry the prevalence was 37.80% in 68 of 180 CBCT, in mandibular ramus asymmetry was 43.90% in 79 of 180 CBCT and in condylar asymmetry the prevalence was 82.20% in 148 of 180 CBCT.
Conclusions: The prevalence of mandibular asymmetry of patients who attended the radiological center of the Odontology School was low. It was found a high prevalence of condylar asymmetry index and a low prevalence of the mandibular ramus asymmetry.