Proceso de tutorías sobre el rendimiento académico, en los Departamentos de Orientación y Bienestar Estudiantil de los colegios de la provincia del Azuay
Cáceres Ochoa, Hernán Felipe
Olvera Barrera, José Oswaldo
Mentoring as a tool that improves the teaching - learning process through work between tutor and student support strategies to improve school performance, this thesis aims to perform an analysis of mentoring on academic achievement developed from the Departments Student Counseling high schools in Azuay province.
This research was identified that tools use the educational psychologist in the tutorial, the features that have the tutorial action plans, and identify their impact reached analyzed.
The study population was 80 educational psychologists of various educational institutions selected by stratified random sampling, considering the financial support and the number of counselors per institution. Techniques of data collection were questionnaires psychologists selected colleges, semi-structured interviews and direct observation of documents, conditions and services provided by the Counseling Department has also performed at 4 educational psychologists.
This proposal aims to have information on the role and performance of Educational Psychologists on the process of tutorial action.