Prevalencia del consumo de substancias adictivas y factores de riesgo asociados, en los estudiantes, de los colegios de Checa y Chiquintad, Cuenca 2010
Sicha Durán, Alba Catalina
Sotamba Yuquilima, Luisa Margarita
Valdivieso Uriguen, María Paz
The 57.6% of students at any time in his life has taken some kind of addictive substance, the consumption occurs more frequently in male 61.40% than the female 51.9%, the age group that represents the increased consumption is between 19-20 years (72.2%).-The age of onset of addictive substance use is prevalent among 13 and 14 years (42.2%).- The main addictive substance consumed was alcohol 54%. The main risk factors associated with the consumption of addictive substances are: bad relationship within the household (77.8%, p = 0.03), history of consumption within the family (63%, p = 0.024), living alone with the father (80% , p = 0.02), migration of the family (77.1%, p = 0.036).