Cuento cañari ilustrado
Guaraca Ochoa, Stalin Fernando
The oral tradition facilitates the exchange and conservation of knowledge, as they support an important part of the millenary culture of indigenous peoples. The orality thus defined is the basis of their presentation of the cultural reality of the indigenous peoples. (Ramirez, 2012, p. 131). The methods of cultural rescue are very varied and in this project are intended to use them effectively to keep alive a millenary tradition.
Depending on the methodology used, the project can be guided to a specific audience; in this case it is directed toward children, who will fulfill the role of recipients and in a future of cultural transmitters.
What I propose for this is the realization of an illustrated story using mixed techniques such as drawing on paper and digital painting. The main idea of this story revolves on the basis of a local legend; this speaks about a great treasure inside the hill Narrio and two black dogs that protect it.
The reader will immerse himself in a fantastic history full of treasures, he will feel also identified with the characters because they are own of the locality and especially strengthen his cognitive capacities and the better use of the language, encouraging the children to create their Own stories and to take pride in their roots.
In this process I try to strengthen both analogue and digital creative skills, including the caricatured drawing, the color theory, as well as the management of digital programs and a brief incursion into a very nice branch of art such as writing