Influencia de la edad, sexo, procedencia y tiempo de reposo sobre la calidad de las canales bovinas
Pesántez Peláez, Jonathan Gerardo
Polo Montoya, Porfirio David
The present investigation was developed with the objective of determine the influence of the ante-mortem factors such as age, sex, origin and resting time, on the bovine carcasses quality estimated by the final pH (24 hours) and color, the research was made in the Public Company EMURPLAG EP. For this study a total of 662 bovine carcasses were analyzed. For the analysis of the data the statistical program InfoStat version 2018 was used, the ANOVA test was used for the quantitative variables and Chi-square of Pearson to compare percentages, in all the cases a significance of 95% was used. There were no statistical differences in age and resting time on the final pH of the carcasses, however the sex variable showed significance, obtaining an average final pH higher in females (5,86) than in males (5,81). It was determined that the highest percentage (44%) of carcasses with a dark red color when cut was present in animals between the ages of 25 to 48 months, and sex also affected the color of the carcasses to the cut where the total of carcasses with presence of dark cut 63% corresponded to females. In addition, the final pH exerts an influence on the color since the channels that had a bright cherry red color when cut had an average final pH of 5,76, while carcasses that had a dark red color when cut had an average final pH of 5,91.