La estimulación familiar inicial en niños y niñas con problemas de aprendizaje de la Escuela Nuestra Familia en la ciudad de Cuenca
España Soledispa, Katherine Lissette
Fernández Ojeda, Rosa Catalina
The main objective of this study was to analyze the relationship of the relative lack of stimulation with learning disabilities that have children in early age, it is also important to note that school performance depends largely on the family environment that surrounds.
The present investigation was performed with the children of 0 to 5 years of the school “Nuestra Familia” of the city of Cuenca through the application of different reagents that enabled the realization that it really is very important that parents participate in child development from an early age.
Statistical analysis has permitted the revelation that the absence of a suitable family home stimulation within children tend to develop different brain dysfunctions of speech and language; as for example: listening, comprehension, visual-motor memory, verbal expression and grammatical integration.