Prevalencia de sensibilidad post clareamiento dental externo de consultorio en pacientes de la Clínica de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Cuenca en el periodo 2015- 2016
Flores Arias, Estefania Auxiliadora
Ramón Iriarte, Yuri Betsabeth
Aesthetics increasingly becomes more important to society, so there is a greater number and variety of methods to meet these requirements.
One of the most important for the population dental aesthetic parameters is tooth color, that is why there are techniques dental bleaching seeking to modify by using chemicals, especially hydrogen peroxide, which when in contact with the tissues dental dissociates into free radicals such as reactive oxygen species and can diffuse through the enamel, dentin and even reach the pulp tissue, causing adverse effects, one of which is tooth sensitivity; so this research was to determine the prevalence of dental sensitivity external post office dental whitening of patients of the Clinic of the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Cuenca in the period 2015-2016. Sheets Clinics sixty Area Operatoria of patients who consulted the institution in the respective period, for it collected data were analyzed using SPSS 21.0 program were reviewed. The prevalence of dental sensitivity was 78.4% where females showed 63.3% and 36.7% male; the female being the most prevalent. Patients ranged in age between 19 and 24 years, being the age of 21 who had higher tooth sensitivity