Evaluación de cinco planes de vacunación contra la enfermedad de newcastle en pollos de engorde
Bernal Avila, José Alfredo
González Guzmán, Dayana Liseth
This research aimed to evaluate the efficacy of five plans vaccination Newcastle disease at 49 days of age by titration of antibodies (ELISA) in broilers. The experimental research was conducted on the farm Irquis University of Cuenca. 5 vaccination plans and control with 25 birds in each experimental unit and four replications of them were used. The plans implemented were: 1) Vaccine Vectorized (Day 1, Iny); 2) Vectorized (Day 1, Iny) + Modified Live Virus (Day 23, La Sota, eye); 3) Individual Modified Live Virus (Day 8, clone 30, eye) + revaccination (day 23, clone 30, eye); 4) Massive Modified Live Virus (Day 8, clone 30, water) + revaccination (day 23, clone 30, water); 5) emulsified (Day 8, Iny) + Modified Live Virus (Day 8, La Sota, eye).; and a control without vaccination was included. The quantitative study was evaluated at the end of the production cycle by ELISA.
The data was performed using an ANOVA using the statistical package SPSS 22, previously held the normality test of Shapiro-Wilk (p> 0.05). According to Duncan's test we can confirm that there are statistical differences, obtaining homogeneity between treatments 1, 2, 3, 4 and control, and treatment difference 5. We can conclude that all vaccination plans, the implementation of the emulsified + La Sota vaccine had higher antibody titers compared to other treatments