Revalidación de la escala de acoso sexual e interacción social de contenido sexual en el ámbito universitario
Sacaquirin Rivadeneira, Cristina Elizabeth
In Ecuador, sexual harassment is a subject of little documented research due to the lack of quantitative instruments to measure the problem. The aim of the present research was to determine the psychometric properties of the Scale of Sexual Harassment and the Social Interaction of Sexual Content in the university environment (EASIS – U; for their acronym in Spanish) designed by Navarro, Ferrer y Bosch (2016). This questionnaire originally included 38 items that describe different behaviors of sexual harassment and social interaction of sexual content. We included 591 students from the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Cuenca, Ecuador. The results of the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) drew that the questionnaire is constituted by four factors that explain the 53.29% of the total variance. Our Ecuadorian version of the questionnaire has 27 items that evaluate Explicit, Unwanted Behaviors of Sexual Content (sub-scale 1), Sexual Harassment of Verbal and Nonverbal Component (sub-scale 2), Sexual Harassment of Physical Component (sub-scale) 3) and Behaviors of Social Interaction of Sexual Content (sub-scale 4) in the University academic environment. The reliability of the scale is adequate (α = .81, α = .84, α = .81 and α = .68, respectively). In conclusion, we have an instrument for the evaluation and diagnosis of sexual harassment at our disposal in Ecuador for future studies.