Análisis literario del erotismo en la novela La monja de mi parroquia de Jorge Queirolo Bravo
Berrezueta Cárdenas, Julia Carolina
This work is focused on a study of eroticism in the detective novel The Nun of my parish JorgeQueirolo Bravo. Through the use of archetypes in the characters, it causes endless facts; touching profound issues such as corruption, religion, and secrets that cannot be known by the society. This would cause a collapse in social construction based on deceit and betrayal. The eroticism is present in the protagonists where its ardor, its impetus, its desire leads them to commit the foulest acts against the Catholic Church; being rejected by family and society. It causes the banishment of his birthplace and persecution for something they did not commit. First, of all, these events do have a higher profile work and the use of archetypes allows us to approach a manifestation of pure essence, to understand its message.