| bachelorThesis
Análisis de las características organolépticas de la guanábana y la chirimoya para la aplicación de técnicas y modos de cocción en recetas de sal y dulce
Arias Montero, Giovanny Javier
Cajamarca Rubio, Ximena Gissella
Annonaceae are fruits which offer a significant contribution in meals, both in their nutritional value, and when enhancing the taste of them. However, the slight knowledge of their properties and cooking methods have caused that the use of this fruit is not exploited more broadly within the gastronomic field in our context.
The present work carries out a bibliographic investigation of the characteristics of these fruits and their nutritional value, and it applies them through cooking techniques and methods in the kitchen laboratory, mixing them with other ingredients to develop salt and sweet recipes and drinks.
The general and organoleptic characteristics of the annonaceae are highlihtedk, and the different cooking methods to apply them are determined. Finally, twenty recipes of salt, sweet, and drinks based on the annonaceae are developed.