Autoestima en relación con el acoso escolar en niños y niñas de tres a cuatro años
Arias Vega, Fanny Beatriz
Cartuche Guaillas, Martha María
Thisbibliographicresearchfocuses onthe various factorsthat contribute tobullyinginpreschool, its characters,events, causes and consequences.Bullying canbegin infamiliar contextsandextended toschools.It is clear thatbullyinginchildrenmanifests assilentandinconspicuous. The theoretical foundationofthis monographis based onauthors such asOlweus,Ortega, Sullivan, and others towhom theaggressionis present from themoment thechildcomes in contact withthefamily and social environment, andnot solely onschools.PreschoolHarassmentisunwanted behaviorthat causesphysical and emotional harmto child victims,this is manifestedthrough the rejectionof the group and theverbal and physicalaggressionfrom the bully. We are interestedin knowing whatis the relationship betweenself-esteem andbullying,since abullied childsuffersdamagetheir self-esteem,generatinginthe victim insecurity, devaluationanda false imageof themselves.