Aplicación de técnicas culinarias en condimentos y conservas con base en pitahaya, arazá y achotillo para la elaboración de platos de sal y dulce
Alvarado Alvarado, Hilda Sarbelia
Vizhco Pérez, Martha Gabriela
The following intervention project aims at the application of pitahaya, araza, and achotillo in savoury and sweet dishes that have been selected based on tests carried out by the authors in order to give them different applications than those used to the fruits mentioned above. Besides, it has been applied to them conservation techniques when elaborating preserves for example: relish, chutney, jam and jelly.
In order to promote and encourage the use and consumption of plants cultivated in the Ecuadorian Amazon region such as pitahaya, araza and achotillo, it has been selected techniques and methods to highlight the organoleptic characteristics of each product; as well as detailed the inputs needed for the preparation and plating food of the dishes and the cost of the raw-material used.