Efecto de la testosterona sobre el desarrollo de las espículas peneanas en cobayos y su influencia en la fertilidad
Loja González, María Magdalena
Illescas Solórzano, Johanna Alexandra
The present investigation determined the relationship between the levels of total
testosterone (TT) and the development of the penile spicules (EPs); in addition,
evaluated the effect of the application of exogenous testosterone on the regeneration
of Eps; and finally, evaluated the influence of EPs on the fertility and prolificacy of
guinea pigs. Three experiments were divided into groups: Experiment 1 (Group 1
integers, n = 25; Group 2 extirpated EPs, n = 25; Group 3 castrated, n = 25);
Experiment 2 (Group 1 castrated + 250ug of Testosterone Enanthate, n = 15; Group
2 castrated + 125ug of Testosterone Enanthate, n = 15; Group 3 integers, n = 15);
Experiment 3 (Group 1 integers + females, n = 5 + 25, Group 2 extirpated EPs +
females, n = 5 + 25). The TT was determined by RIA, the length of the EPs by means
of an Excelis camera AU-600-HD mounted to a microscope (100x) by the software
AmScope V.3.7 and the fertility and prolificacy was evaluated by the number of
pregnant females and the number of babies born. Determining that the length of the
EP depends on the TT levels; however, if EPs are excised in guinea pigs with
functional testes, the levels of TT generated by the gonads are not sufficient to
produce regeneration of the EPs; whereas, if EPs suffer a regression process due
to castration, they can be regenerated with exogenous testosterone; On the other
hand, EPs do not influence the percentage of fertility, but they do have a significant
influence on the percentage of prolificacy, which is not related to low levels of TT in
animals that are extirpated.