Estado de prótesis fija en los pacientes atendidos en la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Cuenca en el periodo 2012 – 2015
Sánchez Avila, María Bernarda
Vélez Jaramillo, Andrés Sebastian
A fixed prosthesis must meet several parameters to see if it is in a good or bad condition; the main that we consider are marginal type mismatch, chipping of the ceramica and periodontal health. The aim of this study is to determine the prosthetic status of patients with fixed prosthesis treated in the Dentistry school at the University of Cuenca between the years 2012 and 2015. A total of 149 patients from a universe of 293 patients treated since 2012 to 2015, 55 men and 94 women were analyzed by clinical examination , where the most predominant found was the presence of negative step between the fixed prosthesis and tooth preparation in a 48.3 % , the presence of gingivitis in a 63.1% , leading us to conclude that the prosthetic status in these patients is poor 87.9 %