La incidencia del maltrato intrafamiliar infantil en la violencia física, verbal y psicológica ejercida entre los estudiantes de los quinto años de educación general básica de la Unidad Educativa República del Ecuador
Calle Suáres, María Fernanda
Theobjective of thispresentinvestigationis to diagnosetheincidence of thismistreatment in physical, verbal and psychologicalviolenceamongstudents of thefifthyear of General Basic Education at República del Ecuador Unit, belonging to thecanton Cuenca, periodschool 2014-2015. Thestudyapproachwasqualitative and quantitativewhite a descriptivefocust. Theresearchedpopulationwas of 129 studentsmale and female, age 9 to 13, thesameoneswhichtakethefifthlevel of general basiceducation and República del Ecuador EducationalUnit and theirparentsor legal representatives. To obtainthenecesariinformationthreedifferentinstruments, an auto-diagnosticquestionnaire of domesticviolence, surveybasedonquestionnaire of childmistreatmentstudy of UNICEF 2006 and thequestionnaireabout abuse amongclassmates. Theresultsallowedus to knowthatstudentswhosufferchild abuse withinthe home end up creatingmistreatment at school, replyingwithhisschoolmates, thebatterersattitudesthatadultshaveagainstthem. Giventheresults of theneed to develop a proposalforinterventionaimend at student, parents and/orguardians, withtheaimthatthefamily and schoolsystemsbecomeenvironmentsthatallow a harmoniouscoexistence and fosterthe integral developmentthechildren.