Plan de gestión para la conservación del Monasterio de la Inmaculada Concepción de la ciudad de Cuenca
Cabrera Merchán, Rómulo Leonardo
The Immaculate Conception Monastery is built up from an historic collection (complex) of colonial origin seated in the historic center of the city of Cuenca, of world cultural heritage, from the year 1599, to the present, the Monastery has remained in continuous use.
On the basis of documentation, starting from the study of the building and its diverse periods of transformation, principally in its architecture and changes of use that have turned from commercial to cultural; a clear example of it is the Museum of Conceptas.
The present research aims to propose a management plan, the same that addresses a first approach whose concepts strengthen the research, that is to say, a revision of the history of the restoration, the origin of monasteries and their architectural typography.
Secondly it carries out a diagnosis of the Immaculate Conception Monastery with a constructive chronological look during different periods, as well as the valuation of movable and immovable properties. Finally, a plan of research is proposed which will generate projects for administration, conservation, recuperation and the preservation of its cultural heritage.