Fibras naturales del entorno, en la producción de papel tapiz, aplicado en espacios interiores
Alvarez Arevalo, Claudia Estefania
In interior design, is very important for the application ofcoatings or coverings ABSTRACT
on the walls, these coatings are madeof synthetic materials or processed
wood which createsmany waste which are difficult to recycle and affect
theenvironment environment. In this thesis project is want topresent new
proposals of sustainable materials, incorporating vegetable fibers in the
interior design creatinga role tapestry based on recycled paper, vegetable
fibres ofcane corn and bark of eucalyptus that is considered asustainable
material since that are renewable resources. Forthis reason there has been
an analysis and experimentationwith vegetable fibers which are from rural
and agriculturalareas of the city of Cuenca and as supplementary material inis
role bond and newsprint that will later serve as rawmaterial for the production
of wallpaper. Also will create aline of paper wallpaper with reference to the
iconography ofthe Canari culture then applied in social areas of a home.