Plan de ordenamiento urbanístico de la cabecera Parroquial de las Nieves Chaya y esquema de ordenamiento para el asentamiento de San Marcos
Calle Galarza, Alberto David
Tenezaca Lliguin, Juan Fernando
Every studyprocessshouldbeginwith a preliminaryanalysis of the place tointervene.
Thewidevarieties of territoriesthat exist provide countless numbers of waysfromwhich one can get to knowthecurrentreality of a human settlement.
TheUrban Management Plan, stars from a preliminarydelineation of thestudyarea, withinwhichthevariousanalyzes and diagnoses will take place.
As a result of thisphasethe General Recognition of the Area under Studyisobtained. Fromtheabove, and with a clear idea of theconditions of theterritory, a Diagnostic study by sectorsisperformed, a detailedanalysis of each of theelements that are part of theParishLas Nieves and settlementstudy is done at San Marcos.
Next an integral Synthesis takes place, stepwhichsummarizesthe subject matterstudied in the diagnosis and bases are obtainedforthe Prognosis is done, here a futureimage of thestudyareaisdescribed in the case of thecontinuation of thecurrentsituation in differentareas of theterritoryunder study. Consequently what one wishes forthefuture of thesettlement is set up, reaching the Territorial Model Target and Image Target.
Guidelinesforpropermanagement of theterritory, boththesettlement and set HeaderParish.
Finally, in the Planning and Projectsstageforpropermanagement of theterritory, boththesettlement and theParishguidelines are set.