El trabajo con el actor novel en el primer plano desde la dirección del cortometraje de ficción Summer Beats
Granda Granda, Jairo Fernando
This study is titled “The workshop with a novel actor using close ups, based on the film direction of the fiction short-film “Summer Beats”. The objective of this study is to find and introduce a working methodology with the so-called novel actor and prepare him for the technical and performing proceedings that a film production demands. It focuses on strengthening the construction of the character while working with a movie camera especially during close up scenes, which are a very important source of expressiveness during filmmaking because they make the audience connect with the interior world of a character.
To achieve the application of a methodology, this investigative analysis was based in the dissection of the different performing proceedings and techniques, which demands a big amount of preparation from the beginner actor. This investigation analyzes the film staging, the elements that conform the construction of the film speech, and the arrangement of the staging and the framing shot. It also analyzes the practical proceedings to work in the film staging with a beginner actor based in the professional’s contributions of many filmmakers in the film industry. Finally, the numerous analysis during this investigation helped to define a preposition of a working method with the novel actor in the pre-production phase. All of this according with the many requirements that surged during the making of the short film called “Summer Beats”