Guía metodológica para la iniciación del violín basado en repertorio a dos voces para el Conservatorio Superior de Música Jaime Mola
Jumbo Medina, Edwin Fabián
The present methodical guide answers the ecuadorian education reality, directed
towards the excellence because today requires new methodical designs which
permit to reach a significant learning.
This guide is designed for the Superior Conservatory of Music “Jaime Mola” of
Quito city, in its initial level must be applied carefully; it is here where the bases
germinate that will give the necessary skills to achieve high levels of professional
formation which can be as interpreter or professor. Therefore, it is proposed the
structure of auditory development based on repertory of two voices and the
generation of the previous cognitive structures supporting on the audio resource
(CD) from the method of mother tongue to teach play the violin from Shinichi
Suzuki, besides, it is included some procedures as the repetition focusing towards
the application of rhythmic patterns of the spoken language to obtain significant
It is showed information about methodical references, accepted historically and the
purpose of ecuadorian teachers to generate their own texts. Between these
references, also, it is included the specialized scientific thinking of the today´s
pedagogy pioneer: Juan Amos Comenius, compiled in his didactic decalogue.