Evaluación de eficiencia de cooperativas de ahorro y crédito en Ecuador: Aplicación del modelo Análisis Envolvente de Datos DEA
2019Registro en:
Campoverde Campoverde, Jorge Arturo
One of the foremost pillars of the Ecuadorian financial system is the one made up by
Savings and Credit Cooperatives, due to its high growth in recent years and the large
number of customers that has been able to attract. The main purpose of this study is to
make an analysis about the technical effectiveness of 18 Savings and Credit Cooperatives
(COACs) considered in “Segment 1” in the ranking of Ecuadorian cooperatives in 2016,
presented by the Superintendency of Popular and Solidarity Economy (SPSE). The dataset
used for the analysis corresponds to a ten-year period, 2007-2016. We have used the DEA
model (Data Envelopment Analysis) to measure the level of efficiency for each
cooperative, obtaining as a result an average of 77.02% of efficiency in all analyzed
period, giving as a result only one cooperative with the hundred percent of efficiency.