Presencia y ausencia del pensamiento filosófico latinoamericano en los textos escolares ecuatorianos
2020Registro en:
1997-9231, e 2223-6260
Quichimbo Saquichagua, Fausto Fabricio
Campoverde Gutama, Jennyfer Paola
The contents of Latin American philosophical thought have been reflected in Ecuadorian philosophy textbooks, from decolonizing perspectives through an ecology of knowledge and intercultural translation aimed at a dialogue and confrontation of knowings. It had a qualitative methodology with an interpretive approach of a her-meneutical nature. The results have shown that the approaches of Latin American philosophy are based on a US plural and diverse; and not in an individual being (ME); that dependency theory is not a philosophical current, but a purely economic one. In addition, that emancipation proposes to overcome situations of marginality and oppression. Categories related to coloniality that make it difficult to understand are also excluded. The texts of identity and culture are not clearly defined, since they are seen as invariable entities in time. The study pointed out that the approach to Latin American philosophical thought is minimal and generates interpretations that lead to consider that Western knowledge is bad; and, furthermore, it revealed the need for there to be content of Latin American philosophical thought to have a look at our context, to know reality and that there is a plurality of thoughts, voices and visions.