Desarrollar diseños combinando tipografía e ilustración, reinterpretando personajes cuencanos basados en estética heavymetal y aplicarlos a camisetas
Bueno Guartazaca, Celia Alexandra
The illustration and typography are two important camps of different study.
They are used as communication tools that have expressive power. Thanks to
typography can become image, these two branches (illustration and typogra-phy) will be combined and you can create an image to inform depending on
the lens as it arises.
In this project, I am going to do a typographic illustration of an important cha-racter of Cuenca and it will be based on an aesthetic of metal culture. The illus-tration concept originated in the study of the characters of Cuenca because
they have been used to teach in schools for many years. However, those cha-racters are forgotten. They are important characters in the history of Cuenca
and Ecuador. The objective was proposing an attractive idea to remember
them, using typographic illustration which was built with sentences that report
on the character. The intention is to design for young people with a modern
and known aesthetic, making it attractive and easy to access. To create the
design, I had to find enough information about typography, illustration, cha-racter and beauty that will be handled. For the preparation of the product,
first I needed to obtain the typographic illustration. Then the pattern was done
on the shirt with a convenient technique and in this way the final product was