El potencial de agroturismo del cantón La Troncal, provincia del Cañar
Cáceres Anguisaca, Jessica Maritza
Canton La Troncal is known as the sweet land of Cañar belongs to the province of Cañar, it has great natural and cultural richness. With a high level of agricultural production such as sugar cane, bananas, cocoa, pitahaya, avocado, guanabana, and a variety of citrus fruits among others; in addition to fishery resources such as tilapia and cachama; therefore, each of these resources are analyzed or in production areas as well as in the farms and tourist organizations.
The present work has as its main objective to diagnose the potential of agro tourism in the canton La Troncal, for its research it is necessary to know geographic data, and analyze economic activities and the current situation of tourism in the canton.
In order to continue with the determination of potential supply, the tourism premises are analyzed: infrastructure, superstructure, the activities and potential resources of agro tourism; the research is generated by the visit to the canton La Troncal and to farms and companies interested in enhancing agro tourism; in addition, the potential demand was determined through surveys in certain sectors. And finally, the potential product in agro tourism is defined, whose advantage will be taken in the canton La Troncal.