Aplicación del proceso de enfermería en la atención de pacientes hospitalizados en el servicio de cirugía del Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga, Cuenca 2009
Maldonado Gutiérrez, Zoila Amandina
Naula Galabay, María Narcisa
Suquinagua Ludizaca, Beatriz Mariela
The nurse constitutes the fundamental axis of the equipment for the coordination and planning of activities that benefit the patient.
Considering that the area surgery of the hospital “Jose Carrasco Arteaga”, offers attention of third, the professional nurse plays an important role in the care of the patient, therefore, its preparation includes a theoretical-practical set of knowledge and humans on who his is based to drive.
The process of attention from infirmary to the being a method through what a theoretical and scientific base is applied to the professional exercise; it allows from the infirmary diagnosis, to plan, to execute and to evaluate the care in effective form.
The present investigation had like objective to determine the application of the process of attention of infirmary in operated patients post.
The investigation method was cuali-quantitative; the techniques: interview and observation; the sample of 10 professional nurses of fourth level and two interns of infirmary.
According to results obtained in our investigation, the professional nurses who toil in the service of surgery know the five stages the process attention infirmary, but the application of these in the direct care is of partial form, situation that repels in the attention of the patient.
By the importance that has the infirmary attention to improve the quality of life of the patients, I make a proposal so that the professional personnel recalls and this in constant update on the scientific advances, technical