Música religiosa concierto coral a dos voces con el coro Madre Betty Loyola
Landívar Merchán, Juan Ismael
This project covers panning, preparation and presentation processes of a choir concert of religious music with two voices. The chosen choir is the Sister Betty Loyola Choir from the Missionary Community of Maria Corredentora, located in the city of Cuenca and formed by 35 members. This choir has been working together for three years with religious music as their trademark.
This project is divided in three stages: First, the admission test where the choir singers have to show their vocal skills and the repertoire to be performed. Second, the methodological proposal with the vocal technical aspects for interpretation and staging of works. And finally the performance of choral arrangements for the repertoire of religious music related to the vocal skills of the choir members and the musical analysis of one of the songs of the repertoire.