El personaje k-yapa colorado desde el análisis crítico del discurso
Moreno Campoverde, Paola Alexandra
Thisresearch aims to criticallyanalyzethespeechbroadcastbythecharacter K-yapa Colorado in somefacets as a public figure. Thedevelopment of such ananalysisadoptsthemethodology of CriticalDiscourseAnalysis (CDA), thismethodologyallowsidentifying and classifyingcategoriessuch as power, ideology, racism and inequalityarisingfromtacitorexpressed in the media shows.
To show whataspectsdenotingdomination in thediscourse of K-yapa Colorado are thepredominanttype ofspeechisevidence.Through it, the power relations highlighting the social and political problems product of daily living among those living in the Ecuadorian Amazon is established. In the end, it brings to light those prejudices and stereotypes generated by that character, offering to the public a false referentiality and false contextualization of the Shuar culture.