Niveles de depresión y factores de riesgo en adolescentes de casas de acogida, Cuenca 2016
Durán Naranjo, Jessica Viviana
Mora Ramón, María José
Background: Depression is defined as a mood disorder with physical, emotional and emotional symptoms such as insomnia, lack of concentration, irritability, and loss of interest. Ecuador's economic crisis has led to growing depression in Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca.
Objective: To identify the Depression Levels and Risk Factors in adolescents in foster homes.
Methodology: The type of study is descriptive cross-sectional observational. The universe was composed of adolescents interned in the shelters. Through the application of surveys and the Hamilton test. Once the data is collected in the forms, the information was transcribed to a digital database and the data were analyzed using the SPS version 22 program.
Results: we found: The predominant age group was the range of 15 to 16 years. More than 2/3 of the respondents live in urban areas. A year of stay in the shelters occupies the third part of the population unmarried almost in the whole almost half attends the baccalaureate. Light depression of 63%, moderate 11% and severe depression 3%.
Among the risk factors we obtained low self-esteem (68.5%), identity deterioration (55,7%), deterioration of image (57%), rebellion (78,5), family Apgar (72,8%), domestic violence (52,8%), substance use (64,2%)
Conclusions: In our research, risk factors show that they have a significant influence on depression in adolescents.