Actualización del inventario de atractivos turísticos naturales y culturales del cantón Paute de la provincia del Azuay
Zhirzhán Abad, Jessica Fernanda
Zhunio Llanzhi, Jorge Geovanny
The present intervention Project entitled "Updating natural and cultural touristic attractions inventory of Paute canton, Azuay province"plays an important role in order to potentiate the tourist activity of the canton Paute that is because they constitute the beginning of a touristic chain and also the responsible for people to travel.
Nowadays the decentralized self-government of canton Paute does not have an inventory of tourist attractions; however, the Land Use and Development Planning (PDYOT) shows detailed information about the undocumented tourist attractions located in its parishes for that reason it was necessary to create and update its information, using the methodology suggested by the Ministry of Tourism.
As a result of this intervention project thirty-nine tourist attractions were identified among them twenty-one are classified as natural attractions and eighteen as cultural attractions. Finally, by ranking and evaluating all the attractions it was possible to identify nine natural tourist attractions and thirteen cultural attractions.