Estudio de estabilidad de los taludes de las presas del Proyecto Pacalori, teniendo en cuenta la acción sísmica
Ortiz Quizhpi, Wilian Francisco
Portilla Flores, Edgar Ismael
In this thesis we show a procedure to analyze the slope stability of earth dams, for three load conditions (end of construction, operation and rapid drawdown), with and without earthquake loading.
To analyze the slope stability of earth dams, we applied the Limit Equilibrium Pseudostatic Method in effective strength (c' and ɸ' obtained from consolidated-undrainedtriaxial tests on saturated specimens with pore water pressure measurement), for the three load conditions. The pseudostatic method incorporates the earthquake loading using a horizontal force, which is applied in the center of gravity of each slice, where the sliding mass is divided for the equilibrium analysis. Finally, it was feasible to obtain a safety factor that must meet the minimum requirements established by the Spanish Code, which was used for this project.
The procedure to analyze the slope stability of earth dams described in this thesis was tested on the Chojampe 2 dam, belonging to the PACALORI Project. The safety factors were obtained applying the GEOSTUDIO 2007 (SLOPE/W) program.
The final results were a 1:3 upstream slope and a 1:2.75 downstream slope, the latter with blanket drain. These conditions meet the safety factors required by the Spanish Code, therefore the designed slopes for the Chojampe 2 dam are stable, secure and economic.