El patrimonio cultural tangible e intangible articulado a la ordenación territorial aplicado al caso del cantón Paltas provincia de Loja
Ortega Malacatos, Marco Antonio
In Ecuador the legal basis as the 2008 Constitution and the code organic of Territorial Organization, autonomy and decentralization (COOTAD), established the Organization administrative territory politician at different levels of Government, are these regions, provinces, cantons, rural parishes, and also special regime for these levels they acquire functions of integrity to make legislation, execution, control and participation where it will reach and will promote sustainable development in the framework of the national plan for good living.
To achieve this legacy, the different autonomous decentralized Governments should develop and implement the Plan of Territorial Planning (POT) and the Plan for development and Ordenamiento Territorial (PDOT), according to their competencies in territorial constituency. By exclusive competence it is up to municipal governments "formulate, approve and evaluate plans, programmes and projects aimed at the preservation, maintenance and dissemination of architectural, cultural and natural heritage of his constituency... For the effect, the heritage reference will be considered in all of its tangible and intangible expressions..."(COOTAD Art. 144). Unfortunately most of these municipal governments little or nothing have incorporated the tangible and intangible cultural heritage in phases of analysis, diagnosis and proposal management model.
As fundamental basis we take the methodological guide for the elaboration of development plans and order which SENPLADES presents in the year 2014 and the proposal made by Dr. Domingo Gómez Orea in his book Planning Territorial 2nd Edition, hence proposes a methodological alternative of joint cultural heritage and land use. And to achieve this goal, we will use the information available that has the National Institute of Cultural Heritage (INPC) in its computerized system that is located on the website, called system information Heritage Cultural of the Ecuador (SIPCE), this base of information that contains sheets of inventory in different fields such as real estate, furniture and documents. Archaeological and previously analyzed, intangible manifestations and georeferenced will enable us to territorialize cantonal space and perform an analysis integrated with the other components as it is physical, population, economic, town etc.
This new methodology will see, meet, learn and empower us material and immaterial cultural heritage with those cultural and traditional events that exist and are effective. Also be able to recover and rescue those who are in danger of disappearing, this cultural potential will be a great possibility to generate entrepreneurship and sustainable development.
How to realize and promote the sustainable development in territory will be through the development of programs, plans and projects that should arise in the land management plans and territorial development plans.
Finally, to check this new methodological proposal of joint between cultural heritage and land use planning, we will apply to the avocados of the province of Loja canton.